"My Name Is Ree
I'm a desperate housewife. I live in the country. I love to cook delicious, abundant, satisfying food using the simplest of ingredients.
Welcome to my kitchen! "
The steps of her recipes are detailed step by step with not only photos but funny and brash humor. She's hysterical and doesn't hold back.
I tried her Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce recipe--and it was a huge hit and so easy. Most of her recipes look wonderful--and simple. I can't wait to try the Biscuits and Gravy and her Cinnamon Rolls.
I'm salivating. :D
Here are some samples of the peach crisp recipe (visual samples, not real life tasty ones):
Extinah's Licks: 

It's unheard of! My first "5" licks! The website is too tasty to be true.